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2020-11-24 23:42:43 第一视角





在本文中,我们将使用BitMEX Python API将实时价格流式传输到Excel中。



要通过websockets与BitMEX API对话,我们需要Python“websockets”包。打开命令提示符,使用Python包管理器“pip”通过运行“pip install websockets”来安装websockets包。

以下Python代码创建了一个与BitMEX API的websocket连接,订阅了“ XBTUSD”工具的更新,然后等待消息返回并在它们到达时进行打印。有了这段代码,我们现在就可以使用Python从BitMEX传输实时价格了!

import websockets

import asyncio

import json

async def main():

uri = "wss://www.bitmex.com/realtime"

async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:

# Send a message to subscribe to XBTUSD updates

msg = {

"op": "subscribe",

"args": ["instrument:XBTUSD"]


await websocket.send(json.dumps(msg))

# Receive messages in a loop and print them out

while True:

result = await websocket.recv()

data = json.loads(result)


if __name__ == "__main__":

# Run the 'main' function in an asyncio event loop

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()



您可以通过将代码保存到名为“ bitmex.py”的文件中,然后在命令提示符下运行“ python bitmex.py”来运行此代码。对于开发Python代码,您会发现使用IDLE(在安装Python时是标准配置)或PyCharm等Python IDE会更容易。

上面的代码显示了如何使用websockets包连接到BitMex API,以接收Python中的价格更新。在我们在Excel中使用此功能之前,我们将对其进行一些细化,以便我们可以“subscribe”各个更新事件。

下面我们用“subscribe”方法定义一个类“BitMex”。使用这个我们可以订阅个别更新。BitMex类将处理从websockets API接收到的消息路由到已订阅的每个符号和字段的相关回调。

import websockets

import asyncio

import json

class BitMex:

"""Class to manage subscriptions to BitMEX prices."""

URI = "wss://www.bitmex.com/realtime"

def __init__(self, loop=None):

self.__websocket = None

self.__running = False

self.__running_task = None

self.__subscriptions = {}

self.__data = {}

self.__lock = asyncio.Lock(loop=loop)

async def __connect(self):

# Connect to the websocket API and start the __run coroutine

self.__running = True

self.__websocket = await websockets.connect(self.URI)

self.__running_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__run())

async def __disconnect(self):

# Close the websocket and wait for __run to complete

self.__running = False

await self.__websocket.close()

self.__websocket = None

await self.__running_task

async def __run(self):

# Read from the websocket until disconnected

while self.__running:

msg = await self.__websocket.recv()

await self.__process_message(json.loads(msg))

async def __process_message(self, msg):

if msg.get("table", None) == "instrument":

# Extract the data from the message, update our data dictionary and notify subscribers

for data in msg.get("data", []):

symbol = data["symbol"]

timestamp = data["symbol"]

# Update the latest values in our data dictionary and notify any subscribers

tasks = []

subscribers = self.__subscriptions.get(symbol, {})

latest = self.__data.setdefault(symbol, {})

for field, value in data.items():

latest[field] = (value, timestamp)

# Notify the subscribers with the updated field

for subscriber in subscribers.get(field, []):

tasks.append(subscriber(symbol, field, value, timestamp))

# await all the tasks from the subscribers

if tasks:

await asyncio.wait(tasks)

async def subscribe(self, symbol, field, callback):

"""Subscribe to updates for a specific symbol and field.

The callback will be called as 'await callback(symbol, field, value, timestamp)'

whenever an update is received.


async with self.__lock:

# Connect the websocket if necessary

if self.__websocket is None:

await self.__connect()

# Send the subscribe message if we're not already subscribed

if symbol not in self.__subscriptions:

msg = {"op": "subscribe", "args": [f"instrument:"]}

await self.__websocket.send(json.dumps(msg))

# Add the subscriber to the dict of subscriptions

self.__subscriptions.setdefault(symbol, {}).setdefault(field, []).append(callback)

# Call the callback with the latest data

data = self.__data.get(symbol, {})

if field in data:

(value, timestamp) = data[field]

await callback(symbol, field, value, timestamp)

async def unsubscribe(self, symbol, field, callback):

async with self.__lock:

# Remove the subscriber from the list of subscriptions


if not self.__subscriptions[symbol][field]:

del self.__subscriptions[symbol][field]

# Unsubscribe if we no longer have any subscriptions for this instrument

if not self.__subscriptions[symbol]:

msg = {"op": "unsubscribe", "args": [f"instrument:"]}

await self.__websocket.send(json.dumps(msg))

del self.__subscriptions[symbol]

self.__data.pop(symbol, None)

# Disconnect if we no longer have any subscriptions

if not self.__subscriptions:

async with self.__lock:

await self.__disconnect()

async def main():

# This is the callback that will be called whenever there's an update

async def callback(symbol, field, value, timestamp):

print((symbol, field, value, timestamp))

bm = BitMex()

await bm.subscribe("XBTUSD", "lastPrice", callback)

await asyncio.sleep(60)

await bm.unsubscribe("XBTUSD", "lastPrice", callback)


if __name__ == "__main__":

# Run the 'main' function in an asyncio event loop

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()



在上面的“ main”函数中,我们创建“ BitMex”类的实例,并订阅“ XBTUSD”工具上“ lastPrice”字段的更新。每当发生新的“ lastPrice”事件时,都会调用回调并打印新价格。


要使用上面在Python中编写的代码,我们需要安装PyXLL Excel加载项。您可以找到此的安装说明,并从https://www.pyxll.com下载加载项。


我们通过创建一个从“ pyxll.RTD”类派生的新类,使用PyXLL编写RTD函数,然后编写Python函数以返回该类。使用PyXLL的“ @xl_func”装饰器装饰Python函数,以将其公开为Excel函数。RTD类具有两种方法,“连接”和“断开连接”,我们根据需要使用这些方法来订阅和退订BitMex数据。当我们收到新值时,我们将更新RTD对象的“ value”属性,这我们在Excel中看到的值发生更新。

from pyxll import xl_func, get_event_loop, RTD

from bitmex import BitMex

class BitMexRTD(RTD):

# Use a single BitMex object for all RTD functions

_bitmex = BitMex(loop=get_event_loop())

def __init__(self, symbol, field):


self.__symbol = symbol

self.__field = field

async def connect(self):

# Subscribe to BitMix updates when Excel connects to the RTD object

await self._bitmex.subscribe(self.__symbol, self.__field, self.__update)

async def disconnect(self):

# Unsubscribe to BitMix updates when Excel disconnects from the RTD object

await self._bitmex.unsubscribe(self.__symbol, self.__field, self.__update)

async def __update(self, symbol, field, value, timestamp):

# Update the value in Excel

self.value = value

@xl_func("string symbol, string field: rtd")

def bitmex_rtd(symbol, field):

return BitMexRTD(symbol, field)

通过将新的Python模块添加到pyxll.cfg配置文件的“modules”列表中,将其添加到我们的PyXLL加载项中。包含此模块的文件夹以及我们之前编写的bitmex.py模块,也需要位于“ pythonpath”上,以便Python可以导入它们。pythonpath也可以在pyxll.cfg配置文件中设置。


现在在Excel中,我们可以以与其他Excel工作表函数完全相同的方式调用新的“ bitmex_rtd”函数。由于它是实时数据功能,因此每次通过BitMEX websockets API收到对请求字段的更新时,该值都会继续更新。

= bitmex_rtd(“ XBTUSD”,“ lastPrice”)




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