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2020-08-16 17:07:43 第一视角

本周五,特朗普政府提出预算议案,大幅增加对人工智能和量子信息科学的资助。2021财年,针对这两项新兴技术的开支将达到22亿美元。国会原本建议开支为17亿美元,然而,可能是受到来自中国高速发展的量子等技术带来的压力,特朗普大笔一挥,将其提高了约30%。美国联邦政府首席技术官Michael Kratsios表示,人工智能和量子信息科学对经济增长和国家安全至关重要,“我们要确保在当前的技术上我们是赢家和领跑者……也要确保在决定未来的技术上同样如此。”

译自Sara Castellanos发表于《华尔街日报》的文章

译者 | 王佳



The Trump administration has proposed a spending increase of about 30% in the 2021 nondefense budget for artificial intelligence and quantum information science.


The proposal, released Friday, coincides with competitive pressure from China and other countries that are investing in these emerging technologies.


The proposal includes funding to develop AI research institutes, formed by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Agriculture and other agencies, the administration said. It also includes $25 million in funding for the Energy Department to build an early-stage quantum internet, which uses the principles of quantum mechanics to more securely transmit data.

美国联邦政府首席技术官Michael Kratsios表示,人工智能和量子信息科学(包括基于量子的密码学、通信和量子计算)对经济增长和国家安全至关重要。

AI and quantum information science, an area of study that includes quantum-based cryptography, communication and quantum computing, are critical for economic growth and national security, said Michael Kratsios, U.S. chief technology officer.


“We need to make sure we’re winning and leading in the technologies of today…and also in technology that will define our future,” Mr. Kratsios said.


The White House’s fiscal year 2021 budget proposal includes $1.5 billion for AI, up from about $1.12 billion in 2020, and $699 million for quantum information science, up from about $579 million in 2020. The $2.2 billion total funding proposal for 2021 represents about a 30% increase over the $1.7 billion in spending across the two technologies that was appropriated by Congress this year.


Congress must approve the budget proposal.

数据创新中心(Center for Data Innovation,一家无党派研究机构) 2019年发布的一份报告显示,中国正在以比美国和欧盟更快的速度采用人工智能,这可能是因为中国企业和公民了解人工智能的价值。一些商业领袖表示,美国需要投入更多资金,以保持在人工智能领域的竞争优势。

China is adopting AI at a faster rate than the U.S. and the European Union, possibly because Chinese companies and citizens understand the value of AI, according to a 2019 report released by the Center for Data Innovation, a nonpartisan research institute. Some business leaders have said the U.S. needs to spend more money to maintain a competitive edge in AI.


In February, the White House outlined a plan for annual spending on AI to rise to more than $2 billion between 2020 and 2022, and funding for quantum information science to increase to $860 million between that time frame.


The 2021 funding proposal for the technologies was released Friday as part of an AI and quantum technology research and development report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.


The research and development report shows that the Trump administration is on track to meet its commitment of roughly doubling nondefense research and development spending on artificial intelligence and quantum information sciences between 2020 and 2022.


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